All men are in some degree impressed by the fa兰州到哪家医院治癫痫ce of the world, some men even to delight .This love of beauty is taste.人们对世间之美多少都有所体会青少年癫痫病的症状有哪些,有些人甚至为之感到欢喜。这种爱美之心可谓之"品味"。
Others have the same love in such excess ,that ,not co北京癫痫病医院ntent with admiring ,they seek to embody it in new forms .The creation of beauty is Art.另一些人爱美尤甚,不能满足于仰慕,进而寻求以新的形式体现美。这种对美的创造是为艺术。
The worl脑电图对癫痫病的诊断帮助大吗d thus exists to the soul to satisfy the desire of beauty .This element i call an ultimate end.所以世界的存在,是为了满足人们灵魂中对爱美的渴望。在我看来,这是很终目标。
Beauty, in its largest and profoundest sense ,is one expression for the universe.美,从很宏大和很深远的意义上来说,是一种对宇宙的表述。